Matthew Crabbe 

Matt is an architect researcher and has been part of Natural Building Lab at the TU Berlin since 2018. His practice-based doctoral thesis “Change Now, Architecture Later!” delivers a personal and situated insight into the productive/disruptive tension between university and practice through the experience of recent graduates.


Matt is an idealist and thinks that group skills are underpriced in architecture school, often in favour of a competitive attitude to design, that has its endgame in an intractable and environmentally unfriendly building sector.At Natural Building Lab Matt values the chance to collaborate with a huge variety of like-minded and inspirational people on projects which present a hopeful vision for our shared built environment. His motivation is to inspire and empower NBL’ers to realise their transformational agendas in their own spatial practice. Originally from the UK, Matt has lived in Berlin since 2011 and joined Natural Building Lab as a teaching and research associate in April 2018. He is part of the team responsible for teaching-related projects at NBL while working on his PhD dissertation.

Read my Interview with KNTXTR from 04/2023 here

  • Since 2023 / Lehrbeauftragter, BURG Giebichenstein, Hochschule für Kunst und Design Halle “Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit beim Bauen”
  • Since 2022 / Member of non-profit organisation Haus Döschnitz e.V.
  • Since 2021 / Co-founder and Managing Director NBL Studio gGmbH with Eike Roswag-Klinge & Nina Pawlick
  • Since 2019 / ongoing Doctoral Thesis “Change Now, Architecture Later – a practice-based investigation of the tensions between university and practice through the transformative agency of architecture graduates”
  • Since April 2018 / Natural Building Lab, constructive design & climate adaptive architecture, Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge, TU Berlin: Teaching & Research Associate 
  • 2016 – 2019 / Project Architect, ZRS Architekten, Berlin
  • 2014 – 2016 / M.Sc Architektur, TU Berlin
  • 2011 – 2016 / Student Assistant, ZRS Architekten, Berlin


(2024) “CA2RE Symposium: Experiment” Community for Artistic and Design Driven Research, Universitat Politècnica de València, “BETWEEN EXPERIMENT & EXPECTATION: Photo narrative reflection on the lasting impact of an experimental design-studio”

(2023) “CA2RE Symposium: Intersections” Community for Artistic and Design Driven Research, University of Zagreb, “Postcards from practice”

(2023) “AAE Productive Disruptions”, Association of Architectural Educators Conference, Cardiff School of Architecture (Cardiff)

(2023) “NBL FIVE” Natural Building Lab (TU Berlin)

(2022) “SBE22 - Building Within Planetary Boundaries”, DACH Conference, Natural Building Lab (TU Berlin) 

(2021) “CA2RE Symposium: Reflection” Community for Artistic and Design Driven Research, Hafen City University (Online Conference)

(2020) “MAPPING FOR CHANGE? Cartographies of the Urban: Intersectionality and Climate Change Adaptation”, International Symposium, Labor K, Institut für Stadt und Regional Planung (TU Berlin)

(2019) “Bridging Divides: Building, Maintaining and Moving Forward Mutually Beneficial Relationships for Social Change and Social Justice” as part of the School for Civic Action at the Tate Exchange with Public Works (London)

(2019) “LowTech im Gebäudebereich”, Veranstalter: Bundesministerium des Inneren, BBSR, Natural Building Lab – TU Berlin, Architektenkammer Berlin (TU Berlin)

(2018) “BAMB Buildings as Material Banks: Research Days”, Sustainable Built Environment Conference series (Brussels)


(2023) CHANGE NOW ARCHITECTURE LATER - 4 Thesen für eine transformative Architekturlehre am NBL, Platform Baukultur - Studium Baukultur?, Vienna, LINK

(2023) CHANGE NOW ARCHITECTURE LATER - 4 Thesen für eine transformative Architekturlehre am NBL, fbta Fachbereichstag 2023, Augsburg, LINK

(2023) “Überall - nur nicht im Architektur Gebäude” , Raumfragen, Multhesius Kunsthochschule Kiel

(2023) “Walking a Fine Line: Five Years of Balancing Acts at Natural Building Lab”, BAS Bergen School of Architecture

(2022) “Kreislaufgerechte Architektur oder gar keine Architektur?”, Bremer Stadtdialog, RE:Material Bremen, LINK 

(2022) “Building in Planetary Boundaries”, Summer University: Globale Gerechtigkeit & Nachhaltigkeit, TU Berlin

(2022) “BAUSTOPP JETZT!”, Landdialog. Die Zukunft im ländlichen Raum, Haus der Architektur Graz, LINK

(2021) “Critical Perspectives für Lehre, Forschung & Praxis:  Wir könnte eine selbstbestimmte Architekturlehre aussehen?” with Magda Böttcher, Spannweiten: Wir brauchen eine neue Lehre, TU Dresden, LINK

(2020) “Infozentrale auf dem Vollgut: Designing and Building a Post-Fossil Prototype” with Maire Cordts & Max Pfeffer, ex_kurs interdisciplinary Summer School 2020, Hamburg Wilhelmsburg, LINK

(2019) “Building Natural Change: Change Prozesse zwischen Akademie & Praxis”, ex_kurs interdisciplinary Summer School 2019, Hamburg Wilhelmsburg, LINK


(2023) EAAE/ARCC 2024 – Architecture Into the Unknown, May 2024 I Aarhus School of Architecture

(2023) ARCC 2023 THE RESEARCH-DESIGN INTERFACE April 2023 | Dallas, Texas